It should be safe to assume that everyone was taught how to be hygienic since they were kids. Most people know to brush their teeth, wear clean clothes, shower regularly, and wash their hands clean before meals. Such habits have been part of their everyday lives growing up.  

For you, being more hygiene-conscious has probably been your key to an illness-free and healthy life. However, when it comes to oral hygiene, people can actually include wrong habits in their practices. You might not have realized how harmful these practices are for your teeth. No matter how clean you think your teeth are, if you don’t stop making such mistakes, you might not fulfill your health goals. 


Importance Of Good Oral Hygiene 

Good dental health is vital for excellent overall health. If left without care, you could have dental problems like cavities and gum infections that may impair your ability to speak and eat properly. You also might experience bad breath and toothaches. Not to mention the more profound impact of bad oral hygiene on your heart health, including chronic inflammation. 

Proper oral hygiene not only results in clean teeth and fresh breath but is also one of the most effective ways to ensure overall healthy health. Here’s why: 

  • Daily visits to the dentist result in the early detection of diseases. 

Regular dental appointments are an essential part of maintaining good oral health. Do you visit once every six months? You should! When your dentist examines your teeth, they can find far more than cavities. Among the problems and diseases that a careful review may reveal are the following: 

  • Deficiencies in vitamins 
  • Reflux of acid 
  • Grinding of the teeth 
  • Diabetes mellitus 
  • Bone disease 
  • Heart issues 
  • Dementia  
  • Problems in mental wellbeing 
  • Cancers of the mouth 


  • Good dental hygiene keeps the teeth and gums in check.

While genetics play a significant role in whether or not you have cavities, routine brushing and preventative oral hygiene will help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Brushing prevents plaque that induces tooth decay and strengthens the gums, which aids in the prevention of gum disease. 

  • Certain diseases can be avoided with proper dental hygiene.

Infections that begin in your mouth will progress to more severe health problems. Gingivitis, for example, is a common infection of the gums. It has the potential to progress to periodontitis, a far more severe disease that can lead to the loss of your teeth. Conditions that begin in the mouth have also been related to the following complications and illnesses:  

  • Asthma 
  • Arthritis  
  • Premature births 
  • Respiratory issues 
  • Cardiovascular diseases 
  • Stroke 

Understanding the importance of good oral hygiene is a must. Dental health is fundamental in the efficient and ongoing treatment of oral diseases. It combats tooth decay or gingivitis and promotes healthier gums and teeth. Effective oral hygiene practiced daily could aid in the long-term durability and functionality of your teeth. 


Common Oral Hygiene Mistakes That You Need To Avoid

Now that you know the importance of good dental health, try to take a quick breath test. Wipe a cotton swab on your tongue and get a good sniff on it. Does it smell fresh or the exact opposite? If it has a foul smell, you must have been practicing poor dental hygiene practices that you didn’t know you were doing. 

It must be pretty straightforward to think that brushing your teeth alone and going to your dentist twice a year is enough to take care of your oral health. The thing is, there’s more to proper oral hygiene. Some of the practices that you’re doing now may not be good for your teeth. 

If you have no idea what these are, here are possible mistakes that contribute to oral health problems: 

  • Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard 

You might believe that removing bacteria necessitates vigorous scrubbing using your toothbrush. On the contrary, this is one of the gravest things you may be doing. Brushing excessively hard might lead to bleeding gums and could even weaken your teeth’s irreplaceable enamel. 

The plaque on your teeth is said to be very mild and does not require vigorous scrubbing to clean. All you have to do is use a gentle toothbrush and softly move it in circular movements along the entire surface of your teeth. Once done, you would’ve eliminated plaque completely. 

  • Using The Wrong Toothpaste 

It’s preferable to check for the stamp of a dental group on the dental products you use. If it has one, you’re assured of a product that has been thoroughly inspected, which may aid in maintaining a safe, cavity-free mouth.  

Choose the right toothpaste for your specific needs. You should consult with a dental professional on which toothpaste to use. If you have cavities, it might be best to use fluoride toothpaste. Meanwhile, if you have gingivitis, there are also many kinds of toothpaste that can help reduce inflammation. 

  • Skipping The Dental Floss 

Brushing won’t magically eliminate all decay-causing bacteria from your teeth. Bacteria often prefer hiding in the narrow spaces between your teeth, which your toothbrush cannot penetrate.  If you can, make time to floss all of your teeth and cover all parts of your teeth to avoid tooth decay. 

  • Not Brushing Long Enough 

You might be too busy with life that you don’t have ample time for certain activities. You’re probably only brushing your teeth quickly, thinking that it’s enough to keep dental decays at bay. But the truth is, this is a big mistake to make. 

You must brush your teeth for two full minutes. If you don’t, then your efforts could be for nothing. Not allocating adequate time to brush your teeth may encourage the growth of bacteria on your mouth’s surfaces. This could lead to bad breaths or gum infections. 

  • Brushing Teeth More Than Twice A Day 

Some of you might be brushing your teeth more than twice daily. Actually, there’s no need for it. This is because it’s believed that brushing more than two times a day can damage your gums and erode the enamel on your teeth. That’s not something that you want, right? Therefore, stop brushing three or more times a day. 

  • Drinking Excessive Amounts Of Sugary Drinks 

It’s said that a 16-ounce can of soda carries about 30 grams of sugar. Sugars are carbs which oral bacteria adore. Aside from that, they’re acidic, causing chemical degradation of the teeth. Yes, drinking soda or any sugary beverage may provide a temporary energy boost. But this terrible habit is damaging to your oral health. 

Consider substituting black or green tea for your beverages since they contain fewer calories than sugary drinks. Besides, these thirst-quenching and energy-boosting teas are healthier for your oral and general health. You may sip using a straw to prevent staining your pearly whites. 

  • Eating Sticky Or Chewy Foods 

Do you have a sweet tooth? If you do, you must know that frequent eating of sticky candies and lollipops is one of the worst foods for your dental health. Unfortunately for you, it might be best to stop. 

Sticky candies or lollipops seem to be very difficult to remove entirely from your teeth by brushing. Instead, they prefer to ‘stick on’ more, providing a feast for bad bacteria and damaging the teeth for several hours after you’ve consumed them. 

  • Smoking 

The majority of people are conscious that smoking is harmful to their bodies. It can cause a wide range of medical issues, including deadly diseases in some circumstances. However, not everyone is aware of the possible damage that smoking could cause to their teeth and gums. 

Smoking can cause staining on the teeth due to the nicotine and tar present in tobacco. Aside from that, smoking could also lead to gum diseases. Smokers are more prone to have gum disease. Smoking impedes the healing of the teeth because of lacking oxygen in the bloodstream, making smokers seem to be more susceptible to have tooth and gum cancer than non-smokers. 

  • Using Non-Approved Teeth Whitening Products 

Not all teeth whitening products are similar. What you think is more affordable may not serve you well. In your purchase of toothpaste or gel whitening treatments, always look for a dental association’s seal of approval. Otherwise, you might be using the wrong products that don’t work or could worsen your dental problems. 

  • Late Consultation To The Dentist 

Most assume that if their teeth or gums aren’t hurting, there are no issues. However, if people ignore the minor problems that might occur, their dental treatment would be more severe and costly. If you can, make routine visits to your dentist to treat even minor issues that may arise. This ensures healthier gum and minimizes severe oral problems. 


Final Thoughts 

Establishing and maintaining illness-free oral health is crucial to your overall wellness. But to do so, you need to do what’s right and avoid what’s wrong. With the guide above, identify which mistakes you have been practicing all this time and correct them. The quicker you learn from your errors, the better.