As pointed out by various studies done across the globe, mental health illnesses are claimed to be one of the primary drivers of disability. The National Institute of Mental Health even reported that nearly one in five adults living in the US experiences a mental illness in any given year. Considering its prevalence, mental health prevention programs and treatments must be made accessible to society to meet these demands.

Gladly, over the past decade, there has been an increased participation of people getting interested to learn more about mental health. This increased awareness has encouraged people to address their mental health needs, and get immediate treatment.


Technology And Mental Health Treatment

Technological upgrades were previously esteemed for their contribution in physical disease detection and management. Today, advancements and new discoveries have paved the way toward improving how clinicians approach and deliver mental health care.

For instance, with the rise of pharmacogenomics, clinicians can now make refined decisions with regards to medication dosage and the types of drugs that work well with the patient. This breakthrough can truly help more clinicians to learn more in creating personalized treatment programs for their patients. 


Improvements In Mental Health Treatment 

All these promising upgrades in mental health aid and treatment aim to encourage people to seek mental health care. With all these, you might get interested to know about the important improvements in mental health treatment. To show you, check out the following innovations:


1. Telemental Health Services 

Traditional psychotherapy is unarguably effective for most people. However, with all these surrounding technological advancements, clinicians have learnt to leverage on these widespread platforms.

While telemental health isn’t new to the field, this advancement has truly contributed a positive impact toward mental health accessibility. This mental health service helps address geographical problems when it comes to receiving mental health aid. This bridges gaps between remote patients and psychologists, allowing them to receive real-time assistance in their personal devices. You no longer need to drive once a week to see your psychologist as you can attend your sessions in the comfort of your home.

For others, this can be a great jumpstart to exploring how therapy can alter the quality of their lives. Apart from making simple lifestyle changes, regularly communicating with a therapist can help you improve your mental health.

Today, telemental health is gaining momentum as other countries are still implementing quarantine and physical distancing measures. However, even if the world already has bounced back from the pandemic, this widespread advancement will continue to remain relevant as this can complement traditional therapy services. 

If more people maximize this opportunity and witness actual improvements, this might encourage others to seek therapy and treatment, too. Nonetheless, telemental health services might not be appropriate for people suffering from severe mental health conditions. It would be best to talk to your psychologist, and ask their opinion regarding this new innovation and how you can take advantage of this.


2. Online Support Communities

Mental health treatment doesn’t only stop between clinician and client. To strengthen progress, support systems and online communities may be necessary, especially to people who attempt to isolate themselves. 

These online communities are one of the most prevalent treatment trends as it helps people learn from one another, open up with their personal struggles, share practical insights with symptom management, and even offer encouragement to consistently attend their therapy sessions and follow their treatment program.

Moreover, connecting and talking about these shared experiences may also have a therapeutic effect, even if participants are physically apart. 


3. Self-Management Applications

Self-management apps are timely and practical as nearly everyone has a smartphone they carry most of the time. Its ease of use and accessibility can encourage clients to be more proactive in taking care of their mental health.

On the clinician’s end, self-management applications can help supplement traditional psychotherapy, and even blended counselling. On the patient’s end, this can help them become more accountable in following their medications, dietary plans, and other components of the treatment program. 

Every app falls into a specific mental health category. There are mood and symptom tracking apps, anxiety management, and even mindfulness platforms. For instance, if you’re suffering from chronic anxiety, a few reliable apps can help you deal with your triggers, and address them in a healthier way.

While every application has different perks and features, their collective goal is to help patients gain more understanding with their condition, make informed decisions, explore new methods for self-care, seek support, and more.

Furthermore, for people experiencing mild problems, these software programs can generally help improve the quality of their lives, and even debunk misconceptions regarding mental health treatment. 

However, there is still a handful of mixed notions regarding the efficacy of these apps. Some people may rely on these alone and abandon therapy altogether, which is impractical. Hence, before you explore these innovations, do more research and speak to a professional. 


The Takeaway

The above advancements in mental health treatment have opened new avenues for people to seek professional intervention, connect with their peers, and manage their symptoms. 

While you might tend to quickly hop into these upgrades, it would be best to consult an expert regarding the utility and efficacy of these advancements. Your mental health provider can offer you recommendations and insights on how to best maximize these for your benefit.