Plastic surgery can be life-changing and hugely positive, but it’s also an area with its fair share of horror stories and disasters attached to it.

That’s why you need to be careful about which plastic surgeon you work with to transform your body. Here are some must-follow tips on choosing a qualified professional in this field.

Find a Plastic Surgeon Who is Dedicated to Using Proven and Safe Procedures

When selecting a plastic surgeon, it’s important to make sure they are properly trained, qualified, and up to speed with the safest and most reliable procedures. After all, you don’t want any surprises when it comes to your results!

To ensure safety and satisfaction with the procedure, look for a doctor who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). This certification shows that the physician has met certain standards in terms of education and training in their field. It also indicates that they have performed successful surgeries before.

Additionally, ask about specific techniques or equipment used during surgery—the more up-to-date tools at their disposal will help increase accuracy while minimizing risks associated with potential complications.

Getting a local double board-certified plastic surgeon specialist who ticks all these boxes, such as one offering plastic surgery in Asheville, NC, will give you peace of mind from your first consultation.

Understand What to Ask During the Consultation

Speaking of your initial interaction with a prospective plastic surgeon, you do have some responsibilities in handling the consultation effectively. It’s essential to understand what questions to ask during the consultation.

This is part of making sure you always feel comfortable and confident in your choice of the doctor before having a procedure done. So, start by asking about their credentials—how long have they been practicing? Are they board-certified? Do they specialize in any particular techniques or procedures that may be beneficial for your needs?

Also, make sure to discuss potential risks associated with surgery, as well as how these can be minimized through careful planning and preparation on behalf of both yourself and the doctor.

Additionally, inquire about post-operative care plans, like whether is there an aftercare plan available if complications arise or additional treatments are needed down the line. Taking these aspects into consideration will help ensure that you make an informed decision.

Read Patient Reviews and Testimonials to Get an Accurate Picture of the Results

You don’t just have to trust the word of any surgeon you’re weighing up when it comes to their skills and the results they can get for patients.

In fact, feedback left by people they’ve served in the past is useful in giving you a better idea of what they can do, and whether the surgeon is reputable or not. In healthcare, good customer service matters, so don’t settle for second best.

There are a few things to look out for when reading reviews and testimonials. For instance, do they have many positive outcomes from their work? Do patients report feeling comfortable with them during consultations? Are there any areas that could be improved upon according to customer feedback?

To further put your mind at ease, consider looking at before-and-after photos on the practice’s website—this can provide reassurance that your desired outcome is attainable.

Don’t forget about word-of-mouth recommendations too! Ask others who may have had similar procedures done for advice; this kind of research can give valuable insight into which plastic surgeons are worth considering and why.

The Bottom Line

The search for the right plastic surgeon is not something you can rush. Accept that it will take a bit of time to find the perfect person to do the work, and you’ll be much more satisfied in the long run.