When you are struggling with a potential mental health condition, the last thing you want to do is wait to get help. However, the majority of mental health conditions are not something that can be overcome on willpower alone. More often than not, some degree of therapy is necessary to help you through your struggles.

While society has largely become more accepting of the overall concept of therapy, there is still a bit of a stigma surrounding the idea of going to therapy. Some people don’t like to admit that they need such a degree of help out of pride, while others might be concerned about receiving judgment from others for going to therapy. The fact of the matter is, though, that no excuse should be enough to convince you that seeking help is the wrong choice.

If you are beginning your research into the concept of receiving therapy for a potential or officially diagnosed mental health condition, here are four things that you should know about the process that could help you along the way.


1. Cost Is Variable

One of the first things to consider about getting therapy is the cost that is involved with getting the help you need. Exactly how much is therapy? There is no one-size-fits-all cost involved with therapy, and the amount that you will pay is going to depend on a number of factors. Generally speaking, the cost of therapy sessions will be calculated based on the number of hours you receive. Per hour, you can anticipate a cost of anywhere from $50 to $250 depending on some key factors.

Firstly, it is important to bear in mind that the therapy one would receive for a certain mental health condition will be different from the treatment they get for another. Some are more difficult and require more specialized treatment, while others are less so. Another factor that will come into play is that of the experience and education levels of your therapist. Those with higher education and more experience will typically be on the more expensive side.

If you have health insurance, you can likely use that to help pay for your therapy sessions. You will want to familiarize yourself with your plan as you choose a therapist, but the vast majority of insurance plans offer mental health coverage.


2. It Is a Process

Therapy is not the sort of treatment that will solve all of your problems with a single session. Rather, before starting your therapy sessions, it is a good idea to wrap your mind around the fact that your road to recovery will be a process. While you might very well start to feel better after your first session, don’t become disheartened when you find that you are still struggling with your mental health issues. You need to give your treatment time to take effect and trust the process.

This is also why it is so important to be able to trust the therapist that you are working with. When you have a relationship of trust with your therapist, it is a bit easier to take him or her at their word when they say that you will, in time, be able to cope with your mental health condition. It is important to recognize that it can take a significant amount of time for you to feel completely like yourself again. Be patient with yourself, and be as engaged in the process as possible.


3. Expect a Certain Degree of Discomfort

When you take the step to start going to therapy in order to better cope with the effects of a mental health condition, it is likely because you recognize that in order to live a happier, healthier life, something needs to change. Unfortunately, change is often a difficult process that can push the boundaries of one’s comfort levels.

When you have a series of therapy sessions schedule, you should know from the start that you are not going to want to attend them all. You might even find yourself trying to find an excuse to not attend an upcoming session. Therapy is work, to a certain extent, that involves effort on your part as well as your therapist’s. Remember that, although uncomfortable at times, the changes that you will be going through and the work you will be doing as you receive mental health therapy is all necessary and will ultimately lead you to a more peaceful place in your life.


4. Open Honesty Is the Best Path to Take

You stand to gain very little from therapy sessions wherein you are not completely open and honest about your feelings and circumstances. It is going to be your first instinct to want to approach your relationship with your therapist in much the same way that people approach the majority of their relationships in that you will want to be likable.

Such a tendency can lead you to be withholding, though, and not as honest as you should be. You will need to overcome the desire to be likable and know that your therapist can only help you when they know the whole truth. With the knowledge that therapists have your confidentiality, you don’t need to worry yourself. It will be uncomfortable at first to communicate in this manner with your therapist, but the sooner you can push through and let yourself be completely honest, the sooner you will be able to find yourself on the road to recovery.