If you are in pursuit of losing weight, intermittent fasting is a great way to do that. However, some people follow this method with the impression that it will do overnight wonders, but it is not correct. Just like it took a long period of time to gain weight, it may take even more to lose it.

As it takes time for people to lose weight with intermittent fasting, some of them might not be that patient. It is understandable, but you need to have some sort of motivation to keep you going. The thing is, what if you have already lost your motivation? This is a common problem that people face when trying to fast. So, how do you get it back?

There are a very few things that you can do in order to find your lost motivation!

Reasons and Solutions For Lost Motivation

Here are some of the best, tested ways to reignite that fire of motivation in you!

Set Small Goals

When you set large goals, they may seem impossible to achieve, and this can lead to discouragement. However, if you break them into smaller goals, they will seem more achievable, and this will help keep you motivated.

If you are intermittent fasting, you can set a small goal for yourself along with a reward. For example, you can reward yourself with a cheat day after you have lost 3-4 kgs.

These activities will motivate you to keep working enthusiastically towards your goal.

Stress Buster Devices and Activities

Stress can be a primary reason behind losing motivation. When you are stressed, all you can think about is how to get rid of it, and this can lead to negative thinking. As a result, your motivation takes a beating.

So, what can you do?

You need to find ways to keep stress at bay, and some of the best ones include yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, and listening to music. You can also try out some fun activities like dancing or playing a sport.

On top of all, you can also use stress-relieving devices. Small hand-held devices can be excellent stress busters. These devices can be worn on your wrists, on your belt, on socks, and on your palm. They produce vibrations that trigger you to shift to the logical part of your brain. When your brain thinks clearly, it automatically becomes calm.

Weight Loss Plateau

The term may be new for some of you. Here is what it means!

Hitting a weight loss plateau means that there is no significant change in your weight while you are following an intermittent fasting method. This can happen due to various reasons!

You are not eating the right types of food items.

Your calorie consumption increases at the end of the eating window.

You don’t consume the required meals at the right time.

Your sleeping cycle is not correct.

You are not keeping a close check on the calorie count.

It’s easy to let an app keep track of these things for you, and instead you can focus on what matters – weight loss! According our search a perfect app for this is DoFasting. It is an awesome personal assistant that helps you stay motivated while tracking any fasting schedule you choose 24/7, whether you are starting out with 16:8 or a more advanced fasting type like the 24-hour fast. Have a Stick too!

If you are rewarding yourself for achieving your goals, you should also have the wisdom to punish yourself. For example, if you cheat on your diet, you should allow yourself to work out for a longer period of time.

You need to have a balance, and this will help keep you more disciplined and motivated toward your goals.

Visualize your healthy future!

This is one of the most critical things that you need to do. You have to visualize your healthy future. Once you have clarity about how your future will look based on your current habits, you will surely feel motivated.

Have a Side Activity

If you are on fast; it is ideal to have a side activity to keep you busy and distracted from the fact that you have to eat. For example, if you are following the 20:4 fasting method, have a side activity like gardening, playing the guitar, gaming, or anything else to keep your mind busy.

When you are able to kill time productively, you will surely feel motivated to keep up with your schedule.


There can be countless reasons that can lead to lost motivation while you are intermittent fasting. However, if you follow the tips laid in this article, you will surely be able to find your way back!

So, what are you waiting for? Start following these tips and stay motivated on your journey to good health!