Kid Sleeping

It’s not just grown-ups who sometimes struggle with bedtime. Our environment is overly stimulating for people of all ages, including our young children. So when it’s time to hit the pillow, even the little ones need extra help.

Kids sleep spray is one product you should consider adding to your family’s evening routine. These products bring lots of benefits to the bedtime ritual and give you – the parent – some extra peace of mind at night.

Let’s list the top seven benefits of sleep spray for kids and share how it works.


1. Kids Fall Asleep Faster

Experienced parents know that getting kids to bed is a challenge in itself. However, children are adventurous, curious, and full of energy – especially around bedtime, for some reason!

With just a few sprays from a well-formulated pillow and linen spray, you set the scene (and the scent) appropriately for your little one to wind down more quickly.

This will save you time rocking, shushing, and doing all the things you do to encourage sleep. Instead, find a sleep mist containing compounds from lavender, cedarwood, and sandalwood that bring on sleep in a shorter timeframe.


2. They Stay Asleep Longer

When a child falls asleep, there are no guarantees they’ll stay in their slumbering state for long. Many children are “light” sleepers in their early years and will wake up at the smallest noise or disturbance in the environment. 

By using a sleep spray with ingredients like bergamot and jasmine, your child will sleep for longer without waking up at inopportune times. Kids need restorative sleep to thrive, and that’s precisely what you get by incorporating a sleep spray into the routine.

Whether it’s naptime in the afternoon or time for bed at the end of the day, a balanced sleep spray is a parent’s best friend for ensuring deep and restful sleep for their kid.


3. Natural Fragrance

Even as kids, the power of scent can’t be overlooked and is key to triggering specific responses like relaxation and sleep. Like certain smells prime our minds to chill out at the end of the day – a bubble bath, for example – you can use a kids’ sleep spray to achieve the same effect.

More importantly, you want a fragrance that is kid-friendly and suitable for adults. Avoid scents that are over-the-top sweet or have a clear artificial synthesis.

Natural is always better for a product like this, so look around for a pillow and linen spray that smells great and checks all the boxes.


4. Ingredients You Can Trust

We mentioned the importance of a natural product, and when kids are involved, this is even more significant. Young children have extra sensitive skin, and their physiology is still in early development. Therefore, you should minimize (or eliminate) all unnatural products if possible.

Don’t make any assumptions or cut corners when analyzing ingredients, and be sure to get the big picture from the manufacturers themselves. For example, say no to artificial dyes, parabens, silicones, and colorants that aren’t necessary for an effective formula.

Better yet, ensure that a sleep spray has the green light from pediatricians and is biometrically validated in a series of tests before it hits the market.


5. Easy to Use

As a parent, you’ve got a lot on your plate when bedtime rolls around. Cleaning up the kitchen, picking up around the house, getting everything for tomorrow – plus, you’re exhausted!

This is why a sleep spray should be easy and intuitive to use with just the push of a button. You shouldn’t have to fill up a diffuser or a humidifier unit and worry about plugs and settings. 

A sleep spray should be effective with a few well-placed mists, giving you a quick and straightforward way to get the kids ready for bed.


6. Better Nights = Better Days

Have you ever noticed how life is just way easier when your child (and you) wake up from a full night of restorative sleep? There’s less stress and strain, more forgiveness, and just a higher standard of living for everyone.

This is just one knock-on benefit of a sleep spray that you may not realize until you’ve been using the product for a few weeks. After that, you’ll get more out of each day and finally get into that reliable routine that makes all the difference.


7. Pressure Off the Parents

Sleepless nights are just a part of the deal in early parenthood, but that shouldn’t be the case after a few months. With a sleep spray in your toolkit, you can start easing back into a good lifestyle for your mental and physical health as a parent.


Make the Most of Bedtime

Bedtime shouldn’t have to be a hassle anymore! Look into a sleep spray for kids and see how it can benefit you and your family right now.