Your feet are as important as any part of your body. Without them, you won’t be able to walk or run. So, even if you barely notice them throughout the day, you must also care for them. 

However, proper foot care doesn’t stop from inside the bathroom. If you want clean and healthy feet, keep reading for easy-to-follow tips:

1.Trim Nails Correctly

Many people often cut their toenails in a curve following their toes’ shape. Unfortunately, this is the incorrect method. When clipping toenails, trim them straight across in short snips from one side to the other. An incorrect trim could lead to ingrown toenails, which are painful and may lead to infections.    

In addition, take note that toenails are thicker than fingernails, so you must use nail clippers designed for the former. You might transmit bacteria from your fingers to your toes or vice versa if you use the same pair of clippers for your hands and feet.

2.Wash Regularly

Proper foot cleaning isn’t limited to simply getting into the bath or shower. Feet are almost always in contact with the ground and could harbour a host of germs; hence, it’s advisable that you wash your feet twice a day.  

Use lukewarm water to soften your skin and antiseptic soap to remove bacteria and grime thoroughly. You can use your bare hands, but a sponge or washcloth is more effective for cleaning. Avoid washing with hot or cold water, especially if you have diabetes. Extreme temperatures may damage your skin and lead to minor abrasions.     

3.Wear Proper-Fitting Shoes

When looking for shoes, you must prioritize size over design. Ill-fitting footwear may cause blisters and toe deformities, which could worsen if you always wear them. Ensure your shoes fit correctly and provide support for the movement. If possible, find footwear made of breathable material and cushioned soles. You can also wear supportive inserts, especially if you have big toe pain.     

To help you find footwear of the perfect fit, check the following:   

  • The shoes must be neither too wide nor too narrow.
  • There must be at least a thumb’s width of space between your big toe and the shoe’s edge.
  • At the store, walk and jog with new shoes on uncarpeted flooring so you can feel the ground’s actual impact.
  • Once bought, walk or jog around your house. If they feel uncomfortable after that, you can return the shoes.

You must wear the correct shoes for a particular activity, like running shoes for jogging. Even if your casual sneakers are a good fit and have sturdy rubber soles, refrain from using footwear for other purposes, such as sports. You will encounter fewer accidents if you use shoes meant for intense physical activities.

4.Keep Them Dry

Even after drying yourself after a bath, feet will naturally sweat to release toxins. When this happens to you, remove your shoes and socks and pat your feet dry with a clean towel. Letting them remain wet is dangerous since fungi thrive in dark, moist places. They could cause foot conditions like athlete’s foot, which makes the skin cracked and itchy.   

If you sweat excessively, consider bringing an extra pair of clean, dry socks. Ensure that they aren’t too tight or loose, as these can irritate your feet. Deodorizing foot powder helps for added protection, especially if you often have smelly feet when sweating.

5.Control Your Blood Sugar Level

Your glucose levels are connected to your feet’s health. People with diabetes often experience severe foot pain due to damaged nerves. Thus, you must maintain a healthy blood sugar level to have healthy feet. 

You can control it with regular exercise and a balanced diet. Even if you’re not at risk of having diabetes, physical activity can manage your health and prevent sickness. If you’re diabetic, consult your physical therapist or doctor for a fitness plan and foot pain treatment.

6.Pay Attention To Changes

You must always inspect your feet for underlying foot problems or changes in their appearance. Look out for sudden swelling, pain, and minor cuts. Even a new patch of redness shouldn’t be overlooked. If you spot something odd, contact your doctor immediately, especially if you’re diabetic. Neglected issues can worsen and make it painful to walk.


Your feet are just as important as your hands. Thankfully, they’re low-maintenance, so it should be relatively easy to keep them functioning well. Regular washing, perfectly fit shoes, and check-ups are only the bare minimum for a pair of healthy feet.