Getting enough sleep at night is incredibly important and beneficial for your overall health and wellbeing. Ensuring you have a solid night time routine is crucial to waking up feeling fresh and ready to take on the day.

What are the health benefits of a good night’s sleep?

Experts say it’s recommended we get between seven and nine hours sleep per night to ensure a good night’s sleep. Getting enough rest can help with better productivity and concentration, leaving you feeling alert and focused for whatever the next day might bring.

Sleep is super important when it comes to athletic performance as it allows the body to heal and repair any muscle damage overnight.

You’ll also have a lower risk of heart disease if you sleep an adequate amount. Heart disease is linked to high blood pressure and sleeping allows the body’s blood pressure to regulate itself to normal levels.

Create a night time routine

Creating a night time routine allows you to get into the habit of winding down for the night, performing a set of activities to ensure you get to sleep on time. Calming rituals can really help you have a better night’s sleep, helping to reduce late-night stress and anxiety that may usually keep you awake.

If you wear contact lenses, ensure to remove these before you go to sleep.

According to Lenstore, “sleeping with contact lenses can cause damage to the eyes as the lenses dry out and reduce the amount of oxygen reaching your corneas, gently increasing the risk of infection and other complications. While there are special long-term lenses which you can sleep in, this must be done under the strict guidance of your optician.”

Leaving your electronics alone before bed will really help you to unwind – the blue light emitting from our screens tells the brain to stay awake, so avoid using your phone right before bed.

Taking a warm bath at night can help prepare you for sleep – this will fluctuate your body temperature, warming you up as you take a bath and cooling you down as you step out. This change can make the body feel more tired and relaxed.

Reading a good book is also a great way to relax, but avoid any novels that create suspense and excitement. Choose a drama-free plot that will help to tire your eyes.