GHP Aug 2017

GHP / August 2017 7 NEWS , Monthly figures for all A&E sites, pub- lished this month by ISD Scotland, show 95.5% of patients were seen and subsequently ad- mitted, discharged or transferred within the four-hour target time. This compares with 94% in May. Weekly figures for core A&E sites also show performance above 95%. Statistics for week ending 23 July was 95.3% - the same as the previous week. Health Secretary Shona Robison said: “It is very encouraging that performance across Scotland was above the 95% target for June and that Scotland’s A&Es have outperformed those in the rest of the UK for more than two years. The weekly statistics for core sites are also above that lev- el for the second week in a row. “These positive results are thanks to the hard work of staff on the ground, both in emergency de- partments and elsewhere in the health and social care system. “While we can expect some fluc- tuation week-to-week depending on seasonal pressures there has been continued focus on improve- ments in patient flow. For exam- ple, we are ensuring more people are discharged before noon and at weekends, helping to reduce delayed discharge and meaning patients can be admitted to hospi- tal more quickly if required. “An additional £9 million has been given to boards this year to help them continue these sustainable improvements in unscheduled care.” A&Es Hit Target Performance across Scotland’s accident and emergency departments was above the 95% target during June this year.