2018 Biotechnology Awards

GHP / Biotechnology Awards 2018 35 200 microns in size are micro- engraved with lettering of 10 or less microns in size. Engraving can include almost any letter, number or symbol. Another big differentiator is that SECURtracers are very easy to identify and inexpensive to authenticate proprietary products. Counterfeiting drugs is highly profitable crime in revenue generating between $75 billion and $200 billion a year. The WHO estimates 1 million people die every year from counterfeit drugs. 15% of medicines in circulation worldwide may be fake. In Asia, Africa and Latin America fake medicines may account for up to 30%. To prevent this and to ensure safety for everyone who uses them, SECURtracers can be instantly identified as fluorescent gold specks under a UV flashlight. The product can be further authenticated by viewing the microengraved lettering under an inexpensive handheld microscope. The entire process can be take less than three minutes. To identify tracers embedded on pills and capsules, a simple magnetic separation device and procedure needs to be employed. The separation kit is provided by Micro-Tracers at a nominal cost compared to many other readers that can cost a few thousand US dollars. Micro-Tracers is attempting to bring the paradigm of a simple ‘on the spot’ test it has popularized in the formula feed industry to the pharmaceutical industry to fight the global challenge of counterfeit Company: Micro-Tracers, Inc. Contact: David Eisenberg Address: 1375 Van Dyke Avenue, San Francisco, California, 94124, USA Phone: 001 415 822 1100 x1511 Web Address: www.securtracers.com & www.microtracers.com drugs. With SECURtracers you can ‘Authenticate with Confidence” – says David Eisenberg, President at Micro- Tracers, Inc. Overall, this unique product offers the pharmaceutical industry with a range of opportunities, and moving forward Micro-Tracers will be seeking to continue to adapt and develop this innovative solution to ensure that it continues to meet its clients’ needs.

http://qedscientific.com/ http://www.microtracers.com/ http://www.securtracers.com/ http://www.therapyselect.de/