
Islington Residents Hoarding Support Group

Best Holistic Hoarding Disorder Support Group – UK

Social Care Awards - 2020

Islington Residents Hoarding Support Group

Social Care Awards - 2020

Best Holistic Hoarding Disorder Support Group - UK

HoardingUK (HUK) is the only UK-wide charity solely dedicated to supporting people impacted by hoarding behaviour (HB). Our aim is to empower individuals experiencing overwhelming distress who are at risk of self-harm/neglect due to living in unsafe/uninhabitable environments achieve spatial/personal change, improve health/wellbeing, reduce homelessness, isolation, re-engage with life/work. We aspire to transfer our skills and knowledge into the community in order to bring personal, practical and systemic change across the UK.

See Islington Residents Hoarding Support Group's website