Whenever you feel unwell or experience strange symptoms it is wise to seek medical advice. Many of us feel as though we are being a burden or that things will get better on their own, but that isn’t always the case. In order to look after ourselves in the best possible way, it is always advisable to get any unusual or uncomfortable symptoms checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that prostate cancer is a disease where the symptoms don’t always show up most prominently – so if you do experience any discomfort or anything that doesn’t feel right then speak to your doctor. You are never a burden and places like the ALTA Clinic Germany can help with things like prostate cancer treatment, but only once you have been diagnosed and as such, going to your doctor is the first step you need to take to get on the road to recovery.


A Change in The Way You Wee

One of the things you may notice if you’re experiencing prostate issues is a change in the way that you wee. Of course, a change in the way you go to the toilet doesn’t mean that you do have prostate cancer but it is certainly an indication that you should seek advice from your doctor. It could be you need to wee more often or that it hurts to urinate.


Getting Up More During The Night

If you find you are waking up more during the night and often feel the need to go to the toilet during this time, then it is time to speak to a doctor. If this happens as a one-off then there isn’t any real cause for alarm however if it is something that starts to happen more frequently then it is time to seek advice and get checked out.


You Can’t Empty Your Bladder

If you feel like you need to go to the toilet but it is almost as though your bladder is never empty this could indicate an issue with your prostate too. This could be that you struggle to go to the toilet enough to feel as though your bladder is empty, or that once you have gone to the toilet it feels as though you need to go again really soon after.

Although a change in the way you urinate might seem like nothing more than a little inconvenient, it is most definitely something that you should pay attention to. There are different issues that can affect our toilet habits –for example, dark colour urine might mean that we are dehydrated and needing to wee more often could be an indication of diabetes.

It is worth noting that a change in your toilet habits doesn’t mean that there is definitely an issue and it certainly doesn’t mean that there is an issue with your prostate or that you have prostate cancer but it should be taken as a sign to see a doctor and get the once over by a medical professional.