Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the potent phytocannabinoids found in cannabis, accounting for more than 40% of the cannabis plant’s extract. It’s also one of the many cannabidiol receptor ligands (this means they interact with the brain receptor only).

CBD was initially developed as a possible replacement for the psychoactive substance THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the main ingredient in pot. But CBD’s effects were investigated separately for many years before it was finally accepted as a potentially useful medical product.

You may have heard many comparisons between CBD and marijuana. But unlike THC, CBD doesn’t produce a ‘high,’ or intoxication, the way other THC-like chemicals do. Instead, it causes a relaxation of the blood vessels and brain, relieving muscle spasms and reducing anxiety, even to the point of improving moods. Also, compared to other pharmaceutical medications, CBD doesn’t cause serious side effects, like addiction or dependency.

The most common form of CBD is found in the oil extract of the cannabis plant, and CBD oil has been shown to effectively reduce the symptoms of different health ailments. In today’s world, we’ve heard about many different illnesses and diseases, like anxiety and depression, to the point that it’s really hard to believe that there could be an herb that would help alleviate the effects of such things, as well as improve a person’s quality of sleep.

But in what other ways can CBD improve your health?


1. Relief from Anxiety and Depression

There have been numerous studies done about CBD and its positive effects on your health. One of the most common ailments that are helped by CBD is anxiety.

In today’s society, anxiety and depression are two of the most common ailments that people suffer from. How can CBD help with depression and anxiety?

  • Various studies suggest that CBD may help reduce the symptoms of depression or anxiety in people who are currently taking medications for that condition. One of the most exciting benefits of CBD is the anti-psychotic and anti-anxiety effects it has on people. This is because CBD is very powerful in reducing the activity of certain enzymes that produce feelings of stress and anxiety. CBD has also been shown to improve mood and concentration.
  • The ingredient in cannabis is considered a safe alternative to prescription medication for depression or anxiety because it doesn’t cause the same side effects or complications. By calming the body and mind with little to no side effects, the levels of negative or anxious feelings are alleviated or minimized.
  • Unlike THC, which stays in the system throughout use and produces psychoactive effects, CBD is a non-psychotic, or mind-independent, substance.

2. Alleviate Pain and Inflammation

When a person is in pain, they tend to turn to their pain relief mechanism, which is to either get up and move around to alleviate the pain or to take a break and rest the affected area. Some take over-the-counter pain medications or ask for a prescription drug from their physician. But what many people don’t realize is that the powerful pain-relieving effect of CBD comes from the way the drug stimulates the body’s natural pain relief mechanism. Hence, CBD works by blocking the pain receptors, resulting in less pain and discomfort. This is why many people turn to their CBD subscription for natural relief from pain.

Another very interesting aspect of CBD is that it works extremely well as an anti-inflammatory. Endocannabinoids are lipids, fats, and protein fragments that are secreted by cells within the body. These chains link to different parts of the body and mediate a range of activities, including the natural anti-inflammatory actions of the two main active compounds in CBD oil.

CBD may offer people not only a more natural form of treatment for certain forms of arthritis but also a way of avoiding the common side-effects of prescription pain-killers, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. The benefits of CBD also extend to the circulatory system and the improvement of muscle tone and range of motion in people suffering from muscular arthritis.


3. Reduce Cancer-Related Symptoms and Side Effects

Recent studies are trying to prove that CBD can help lessen the symptoms of chronic pain associated with certain forms of cancer. In some experiments, test subjects who were prescribed CBD did report less severe physical side effects than those given placebos.

CBD may also help lessen the signs of the disease as well–it has shown the ability to reduce certain types of tumor cells from reproducing. While the National Cancer Institute (NCI) doesn’t endorse CBD or any cannabis-related medication as cancer treatment, they acknowledged CBD’s effect in moderating inflammation and the reproduction of cancer cells.


4. Improve Energy and Brain Functions

CBD may improve brain function by reducing the amount of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is responsible for activating certain brain cells. Since CBD helps reduce the amount of dopamine in the body, brain cells will now work normally.

Aside from promoting a healthy nervous system and reducing anxiety and depression, CBD may also help increase your energy levels. This is due to CBD’s ability to increase blood flow throughout the body. Hence, when you take CBD, your mood may improve and your entire body will feel good.


CBD May Be Beneficial For Your Overall Wellness

In addition to the aforementioned potential health benefits of CBD for one’s wellness, CBD is also being investigated for its ability to help treat illnesses and prevent disorders of the entire human system.

While the body does contain some naturally occurring CBD, the synthetic CBD that we see on the pharmaceutical market isn’t one of them. Instead, what you most commonly find are CBD oil products or CBD capsules that are extracted from cannabis.

By taking an entire plant apart, researchers have been able to isolate and produce a wonder compound called CBD. This unique formulation provides the health benefits of CBD without the negative side effects that come from using marijuana or chemical drugs.



The bottom line is that CBD is great for your body. It may help you to feel better, reduce your chance of disease, improve your mood, help reduce anxiety and depression, and even boost your energy levels.