Everyone deserves to be comfortable, happy, and healthy, maintaining their quality of life to enjoy each day to the fullest. Sadly, not everyone feels satisfied with where they are in life, often related to internal battles with their mental health or illnesses that limit their health and happiness. While the cannabis compound, cannabidiol (CBD), can’t guarantee that you’ll enjoy a better quality of life, it might be able to improve your life in some of the following ways:

Relieve Pain

Chronic pain can be life-changing, with many people struggling to work, enjoy social opportunities, and engage in activities they used to love. As a result, they can feel anxious, frustrated, and depressed. Many people explore quality cannabis products to relieve pain and discomfort when they don’t feel comfortable with primary treatment options or doctor-prescribed medications and therapies don’t work.

It’s important to understand that CBD research is in its infancy, and more quality studies must be conducted to learn more about how CBD interacts with chronic pain. However, current research suggests that CBD might help treat chronic pain related to specific conditions.

Ease Arthritis Symptoms

Remaining mobile when you have arthritis can be challenging. This inflammatory condition causes tissue deterioration around the joints, leading to pain, motion loss, and stiffness. When you’re in pain every time you move, it’s not always easy to work, enjoy life, and even manage basic tasks like shopping. There are many arthritis medication options on the market, but a growing body of evidence suggests CBD and other cannabinoids might ease the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

Research exploring cannabinoid delivery systems for pain and inflammation treatment confirmed that the cannabinoid system has potential for patients with chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis. It also noted that patients with chronic arthritic pain are among the most prevalent users of therapeutic cannabis products. If arthritis is impacting your ability to live life to the fullest, cannabis and CBD products might be worth exploring further.

Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety can be debilitating, with many people struggling to perform everyday tasks like grocery shopping and walking to the mailbox without being overwhelmed by their feelings. Managing and treating anxiety is possible with a multi-modal approach, but CBD might also be worth exploring since many people claim it can help them feel calm.

Researchers conducted a study involving 57 healthy men and tasked them with a simulated public speaking test. The men were divided into four groups: the first group receiving 150mg oral CBD doses, the second receiving 300mg, the third receiving 600mg, and the fourth, a placebo. Their findings were that 300mg ‘significantly reduced anxiety’ during the speech. The researchers advised that therapeutic CBD doses should be determined to translate CBD into clinical practice.

Help PTSD Symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, can affect anyone who has experienced a traumatic event, such as war veterans. Many people suffering from PTSD experience relief with therapy, medication, and prolonged exposure therapy; others pair these treatment options with CBD and find it helpful.

In a small 2018 study, 11 people with PTSD received psychiatric care and CBD in an outpatient clinic. All
but one experienced a reduction in their PTSD symptoms. Other studies have also confirmed these findings and encouraged further research.

Reduce ALS Symptoms

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a neurological disease affecting the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. These cells are responsible for the movement of muscles we use for tasks like walking, talking, and chewing.

There is no cure for ALS, but medical professionals often recommend medications, therapy, and surgery to slow the disease and reduce discomfort. CBD doesn’t cure ALS, nor does it eliminate all symptoms. However, many people living with ALS experienced great relief when they received THC and CBD treatment for ALS spasticity.

One study found that daily CBD and THC resulted in high treatment satisfaction, with the study results suggesting that THC and CBD might become a valuable addition to symptomatic therapy for the condition. More research is required to determine their efficacy for ALS symptoms other than spasticity.

Everyone deserves to have an excellent quality of life, but it’s never guaranteed. If an illness, injury, or condition is limiting your ability to thrive, talk to your local healthcare provider about CBD. It might be an option worth exploring for potentially being able to experience relief from pain, suffering, and uncomfortable symptoms.