Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints of your hands, wrists and feet. It occurs when your immune system attacks your body tissues by mistake. In the United States, around 1.3 million people are affected by rheumatoid arthritis.

While there is no permanent cure to treat RA, early diagnosis and treatments can help decrease the severity of the condition. In this article, we will discuss the treatments available for rheumatoid arthritis so you can continue living a normal life.

1.    Medications

The type of medication the doctor may prescribe you will vary according to your severity and how long you have had the disease. Doctors usually prescribe steroids such as prednisone and dexamethasone to relieve pain when joints are flaring up. Their side effects include thinning of bones and diabetes, so doctors give smaller doses for a short time.

Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), are also used to relieve pain temporarily caused by inflammation. Drugs such as hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) slow the rate at which rheumatoid arthritis damages your bones and joints. This means you will have fewer symptoms over time and less damage to endure. Its side effects include temporary hair loss, nausea, and dizziness.

Biologics are drugs injected to block inflammatory pathways formed by the immune system. Biologics such as golimumab (Simponi) and infliximab (Remicade) reduce inflammation and are prescribed when DMARDs alone are not working toward decreasing RA symptoms. However, biologics can have side effects, such as itchy eyes, lips, and shortness of breath. The type of medication the doctor prescribes you depends upon your symptoms and severity of the disease.

2.    Cannabidiol (CBD)

Non-conventional medication, such as CBD, can also help with RA. Health stores stock CBD for medical purposes. Studies reveal that CBD is effective in fighting autoimmune symptoms. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which prevent autoimmune flare-ups. Inflammation triggers the onset of autoimmune diseases; if this is suppressed on time, you do not have to suffer from RA-related symptoms. You must consult your doctor before using CBD for your medical condition. Many companies, such as Secret Nature CBD, manufacture and sell CBD online.

3.    Surgery

If drugs do not work to control joint damage, doctors may ask you to consider surgery. Surgeries may restore your ability to use your joints again and live without disability. Arthrodesis (joint fusion) is carried out when joint replacement is not an option. It involves fusing a joint to restore alignment and stability. Synovectomy is another procedure to treat RA. It involves removing the inflamed tissue (synovium) to relieve pain and discomfort. It improves joint flexibility and tendon mobility.

Another one is joint replacement surgery in which doctors may remove damaged parts of your joints caused by RA in this surgery. They will then replace it with prosthetic silicone joints to restore the normal functioning of your joints. If your RA leads to carpal tunnel syndrome, the doctor may suggest carpal tunnel release surgery.

4.    Therapy

Using therapies for RA treatment has shown promising results. Two types of therapies are common to treat rheumatoid arthritis: physiotherapy and occupational therapy. If you have moderate symptoms of RA, a physiotherapist may help you keep your joint as healthy as possible. They know the mechanics of bones and joints and can make an exercise plan after examining your condition. These exercises restore joint flexibility and strength.

One of these exercises is stretching, which helps reduce stiffness caused by RA. When your muscles and bones are continually in motion, you prevent the disease from completely taking over your movements. In addition, if you do Taiichi and yoga.

Occupational therapy helps you find ways to live an everyday independent life. These therapists suggest ways to handle daily tasks. For example, you may struggle to open a bottle cap or a jar if you have RA affecting your finger joints. Occupational therapists will suggest the equipment you can use to solve such problems.


Rheumatoid arthritis can cause a lot of discomfort but you can always resort to the treatments mentioned above to relieve your pain. There is no permanent cure for autoimmune diseases, but you can live without dependency if you take these measures highlighted in this article.

In addition, early diagnosis can save you from surgeries. You must consult a doctor if you notice joint stiffness or swelling. Once diagnosed in time, treatments can improve the quality of life. Get diagnosed and treated for rheumatoid arthritis now if you have joint pain.