Various changes may occur to your body as you age, and you may not look as young as before. There are two types of aging, biological and chronological aging. Biological aging can be hastened or slowed down according to one’s liking. 

However, you cannot slow down chronological aging since it is the calendar age. Aging brings with it numerous changes in the body, both physically and internally. Dr. Gregory Lindson recommends following these easy steps to add positive behavior changes to your daily and live a healthier life.

First of all, you need to visit a specialist who will administer a test to determine your biological age. Blood biomarkers are analyzed to give the inner age accurately. The doctor can use your blood biomarker and health profile and transform it into a personalized recommendation to improve your health.


Stay physically active

Running, jogging or walking for at least 30 minutes every day can go a long way in keeping you healthy. Exercise is essential in keeping your bones strong. Inactivity exposes you to degeneration of bones, making you prone to falls and fractures. 

Regular walking will improve your mental capacity even as you age, and it also reduces the risk of high blood pressure.

Exercising also reduces stress, improves muscle strength and generally keeps you looking and feeling young. You can also exercise regularly, health experts suggesting 150 minutes of moderate-intensity and 75 minutes high intensity per week. 

But before you engage in exercise, please consult your medical practitioner for advice, especially if you are living with a health condition.


Well-balanced diet

It would help if you watch your portions, go slow on carbohydrates and reduce sugar intake and fizzy drinks. This food only gives momentary comfort and pile more fat to the body. 

Reduce fast food intake and take more homemade food, which is likely to be more natural as this will keep your body refreshed. Always ensure you give your body what it needs. Overindulgence will lead to weight gain and fasten the aging process.

Nutritionists encourage adults to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Some foods are packed with antioxidants, healthy fats, essential minerals and water. When you eat right, the skin will benefit greatly from these nutrients. 

For example, red bell pepper, papaya, and blueberries have many antioxidants, while almonds and walnuts have healthy fat that helps repair body membranes. Spinach has vitamins and helps oxygenate the whole body, while fish contains Omega-3 fats. Always chose your meals well, and this will help you reduce visits to the hospital.


Get a recommended range of nightly sleep

Always ensure you have enough sleep. This is because it is during sleep that the body engages in restoring itself. Muscle building and tissue repairs happen when one is sleeping. During this time, the brain is cleared of metabolic waste, and growth hormone is released. 

That is why sleep deprivation will cause declining cognitive function and poor cardiovascular health. People with poor sleeping habits will age faster than those who sleep well. 

Always ensure your environment is conducive and free from disturbances such as noise and bright lights. Turn off your phone and computers to concentrate on your sleep. Have a routine of sleeping and waking up at a given time so that your body may get used.


Exercise your mind

Make your mind active by thinking and learning continuously to avoid cognitive decline. You can keep your mind busy by reading books, magazines and newspapers. You could also download games such as word power and chess, where you can get opponents online to play with you. 

You can also engage in discussion with people of all generations to keep your mind active. You should avoid letting your mind idle away because this could slow down your cognitive faculty.


Keep yourself socially active

Avoid isolating yourself as this could lead to a mental decline. You can keep yourself busy by socially interacting with your friends and relatives. National Institute of Aging has found that people with poor social interactions are prone to depression, heart disease, decreased immune function, and are at risk of earlier death. 

Low social interactions are also associated with dementia. It is essential to engage in social activities to keep the mind active and slow down aging.


Self-assessment and medical examinations

Be keen on changes that are taking place in your body. You should note any significant weight gain and loss or sluggishness in task accomplishments, among other changes. Every once in a while, you can evaluate your biological age to see if you are aging faster. 

You can make changes in your diet and start an exercise regime to help if you feel you are aging too fast. You should also consult your medical practitioner when you have serious health concerns.

Your body will let you know every time something is wrong. Always listen and take early measures to remedy the situation. Keep yourself away from those things that will age you very fast, such as excessive alcohol consumption. Taking care of your body goes a long way in ensuring you live a healthy life.